December 23, 2009

What is Multi Level Marketing or MLM?

MLM  or Multi Level Marketing is a business structure designed to create a marketing sales force. The typical Multi Level Marketing program works through recruitment. You are compensated for your sales along with additional compensation for new distributors and the sales they generate. This action creates a downline or network of distributors, on multiple levels, in the form of a pyramid.

Multi Level refers to the system of compensation provided to the persons who are causing the product to move or the service to be provided.
Marketing simply means moving a product or service from the manufacturer or provider to the consumer.

Network Marketing vs. MLM vs. Pyramid Scheme

Network marketing is a method of marketing that utilizes independent representatives and their own interpersonal skills to reach potential customers, both offline and online via social 'networking' or word of mouth.

Multi Level Marketing is a method of marketing that depends on selling a product and an opportunity to consumers using a recruitment method. One person begins the process, who in turn recruits another via 'networking', who then recruits another and so on. The option to become a distributor of the product and recruit others is heavily promoted and necessary for success.

Pyramid Schemes are not concerned with the sale of a product, they focus on profits
made doing volume sales to the latest, new recruits who only buy the products in order to participate in the scheme.

        General Guidelines to follow as a potential Investor in MLM

- Start-up costs ought to be expected, even with legitimate companies but not substantial, high pressure investments that enable you to become a 'distributor'.

- Does the company have a buy back policy for the inventory you may need to purchase?

- Are consumers interested in the product/s or does the company seem
to be making money by recruiting alone?

Is MLM Legal?

Many questions regarding ethics arise when the term MLM enters a conversation, for example - Is MLM Legal? As we have learnt so far, you need to do your homework. Legitimate opportunities in MLM are out there. The website linked to above, First Class MLM (Is MLM Legal?), in my humble opinion is an excellent source for information on Multi Level Marketing. It covers many avenues, appears unbiased and comes from experience.

Tip the Scales of Justice Accordingly...Legal or Illegal?

As always, do your own research! In today's society being naive about a business decision can be eradicated with effort on your part. Learn to ask the right questions and learn when not to be satisfied with the answer.

Books about Multi Level Marketing

December 20, 2009

What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing is a method of marketing that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that companies may otherwise not reach with traditional offline or online marketing methods or strategy. The term Network Marketing is not in reference to the structure of the company more how the marketing takes place via social networks and individuals. Companies utilize multiple marketing strategies in various degrees as part of their overall business plan, from tv & billboards to internet based ads and social networking.

Network Marketing is based on the concept of ‘networking’ within the circle of people with whom we have contact with in our daily lives albeit family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and even strangers online. Twitter , Facebook and MySpace are all examples of modern all ages, online social networks. In turn the information is then passed on to their contacts and so on, which builds a network of informed individuals. When one taps into their own social networks and suggests a product, service or both you are network marketing. As your reputation develops your network grows which in turn generates more business traffic and ultimately more income.

Developing a 'reputation' is important to any business and it can have unfathomable consequences, sometimes good and yes, sometimes bad. Just remember that word of mouth, which is all network marketing is, will spread and can spread like wildfire. Generally, good news travels fast and bad news travels at lightspeed! If you keep that in mind and involve yourself only in quality then you are bound to have success.

Books about Network Marketing

December 16, 2009

Blogging for Profit, Realistic Goal or Far Fetched Fantasy?

Not an impossible dream, in fact blogging for profits is attainable by anyone with even just some internet experience and the capacity to learn the rest. As online marketing soars, opportunities expand and you too could be successful creating blogs for both interest and profit. Passion for your topic, having something to write about and offering quality content to viewers is imperative to your success but I wouldn't expect to 'get rich quick'. It does take perseverance, commitment and the desire to succeed financially on your own. You also need to be self-sufficient and be your own leader.

With that being said blogs can cover a huge array of topics from personal growth to business management, gaming tips to dating tips. Or you can narrow a topic down and create a niche blog that has a unique, online presence without a lot of competition. Which leaves me asking, what you would like to blog about?

I've only just begun blogging myself and have found that if you truly love what you are writing about the ideas will come easier and it's far more enjoyable. For the intention of profit, blogging ought to be done daily to drive traffic. So, if you hate your topic you won't want to write, keep that in mind.

This blog was created using Blogger and I found it to be relatively easy once I poked around for a bit. You can personalize almost everything, the templates are there and can be altered. You can add widgets to your blog for profit and interest value along with so many other great things and the best part of all is it's totally free.

As well, Google's Ad Sense can be easily added with a few simple steps, known as Monetizing. The Monetize tab in Blogger makes it easy to enable AdSense ads on your blog. Once enabled, Blogger will retrieve your AdSense earnings data directly from AdSense so you do not need to go to AdSense to get basic earnings information.

There are many blogging platforms including Wordpress which seems to be Bloggers competition. I'm staying with Blogger for now but not opposed to researching other avenues, nor should you be. Research is key in any business and can mean the difference between success and disaster. Even daily mundane business tasks require decisions, so be sure to do your homework!

YouTube offers many uploaded videos for help with using Blogger, Ad Sense and Gadgets etc.

Books about Blogging

December 11, 2009

Review - Creating your own Banners, Buttons and Headers Ect.?

Are you one of lucky ones who has already learnt to create banners? Or born with the innate gift of 'not' being technically challenged or better yet you have the extra cash to just buy 'em?... Well, I am none of the above and yet still need em'!

Hence my search for quality programs that are also free and preferably begin and end with a simple process. I've only turned up one so far entitled Instant Banner Creator.

Right now it's 1.30pm and I'm going to go and create a banner for TMC Marketing. I'll be right back with my thoughts...and hopefully a banner!

...kay, I'm back and it's 1.49pm so that wasn't too bad (now, I did poke around for a few minutes before writing my review, so add on another 15 minutes or so). The banner doesn't fit within the posting area so I've placed it at the bottom of the page. It is set up to link you directly to their website so don't be surprised when it takes you there.

My Review: In my humble opinion, I'll take it! At least now I can create banners, not exactly wow factor, high impact banners but certainly better than nothing at all. As well, you can create buttons, headers, footers, animated gifs and peel away ads with templates available for each!

Wether you choose this banner generator or another, it's your choice.

Banners for advertising are another key to marketing your website, blog, small business or all three. Try to be precise with your information and use easy to read text and colours that attract and/or reflect the feeling your attemting to portray. Keep it Simple! Example: A woman wearing far too much makeup will have you turning away with disappointment rather than being attracted and drawn in closer. Less is More!

(Sample Banner See Review for Instant Banner Creator)

December 7, 2009

Learn to Create your Own Destiny

Where will you be when the economy hits an all time low? That's right, it can get worse! What about when your job becomes automated or obsolete, your company goes bankrupt or you simply get laid off or worse yet fired? What will you do then?

Life has a way of dealing out a crap hand or two, sometimes rather frequently and quite often completely out of our control. Personally, I'm rather tired of having little control. I've realized that in most instances for me, it always comes down to money or more so the lack of it! Financial stresses and pressures are driving our marriages, friendships, family relationships and our general health, well being and smiles into the ground.

One really must have a plan! The trick is though, you actually need to implement the plan before life deals you another bad hand!! This I didn't do, perhaps you can learn from my mistake and plan ahead for your future. Life has a way of replicating the past and yes, it did take me awhile to clue in but how long will it take you?

During the past few months of searching and researching various 'work at home' prospects I've come across a few ventures that I will be sharing. As I pursue my new found business ventures into 2010 I the information I've discovered, what I've learnt, how things have progressed will be posted.

December 4, 2009

Basics of Twitter

So, hopefully you've signed up for a free account at Twitter. If not then just check out mine... tmcmarketing. ...Kay, enough of that just get your own already and follow me (yes, of course I'll follow you back too). Don't be shy about poking around although the platform is super simple there's a lot more help there if you do require it.

Be sure to set up your profile. That's important as its like a first impression and your front end voice for this particular marketing vehicle. Just go to the 'Design' tab, no need to get fancy but it doesn't hurt to change up the colours a bit to match your site or logo.

With your one line bio you are limited to 160 text characters when writing so choose your words carefully. Also display the address or URL to your own website so your followers can have instant access to more information about 'you'. It truly isn't complicated just remember you may want to restrict your personal information or not, depending upon your reason for twittering.

Try not to go crazy following everyone and their dog. Not only will they cap you but you probably won't have chosen candidates even close to your target audience.

Books about Twitter

December 3, 2009

What is Twitter?

Twitter is an online site where people (yes, any and all people) partake in social networking and micro-blogging. It's a to-the-minute update of an old one liner 'What are you doing?'.

In 140 text characters or less you either type in your information and post updates for those following you to read. Or you read posts made by those whom you are following. A pretty simple concept that has since exploded into a common household word.

By this time in 2010, I expect Twitter will have an even more insane amount of Tweeters, hence it has and will continue to become a fantastic marketing tool.

Social Networking - is the forming of online groups of like minded people or those to which we feel a connection ie; business, family, friends.

Micro Blogging - sending brief blurps of text or other forms of multi-media in an instant.

Follower - you become a 'follower' when decide to 'follow' another Tweeter and stay updated on their tweets.

Following - you are considered to be 'following' someone when you have subscribed or chosen to 'follow' them.

Go to Twitter

Sign-Up is Free, it's Easy to Get Started and it's Trending Huge!

twitter,home based business,home office

Welcome to TMC Marketing Income Group

Each day brings new ideas, inventions and concepts that enable individuals and businesses to expand beyond the world of face to face interaction and reach across the world with just one click.

One click can propel our information directly in front of potential customers and clients. Ultimately resulting in increased traffic to your site. When done correctly, they've know arrived but what will they do next? Be intriqued and want to continue reading or back out of there so fast not even your logo has time to register?

As I put together articles in this blog I hope to enhance your ability to generate and retain traffic, gain an understanding of internet terminology and broaden your knowledge in the field of marketing. As the internet explodes it is imperative to stay current and informed, your competition does!

November 1, 2009

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