January 26, 2010

Get your Email Address(es)!

To be an active part of the world wide web you have to create a web presence for yourself. This ought to begin with your first email address. And no, this shouldn't cost any money (unless it's part of a whole plan that you are paying for which allows you online access). Depending upon your needs, you may need and/or want multiple addresses to aide in organization. When used accordingly having separate email addresses, one for business and one for pleasure etc. will make daily, routine tasks easier to prioritize.

Once you can freely communicate with other people online you will then be able to access various information on sign-in only websites, sign up for newsletters and offers, join mailing lists, shop at online stores, join and post on forums and in groups....whatever it is you enjoy.

Obtain your first (or additional) email address at either Google, Yahoo and Hotmail which are the three most popular global sites that offer multiple, free email addresses.


 As you continue to participate on the WWW you will be required to create and remember usernames, passwords and email addresses. To aide in security this information ought to be stored in a safe place dedicated to this type of information. Either in Microsoft Office within a new, blank page or simply write it down the old fashioned way. As time passes it's easy to forget these details as they tend to accumulate rapidly as the level of internet activity increases.

For business purposes, try to incorporate your name, brand or logo into the email address you create. Brand recognition is one of the ultimate goals, from a marketing stand point, so if you can incorporate this into everyday use via your posted and advertised email address it's all the better! Also, remember to keep your addy on a professional level and save the fun stuff for your personal side ie; smolderingsiren at hotmail dot com as the email address for your local PTA will send the wrong message!

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