March 25, 2010

Squidoo Earnings - Update: Payment received in full & ...

I'm pleased to say that since writing my post entitled Do You Squidoo? I have also received my payment! As promised, it was deposited into my Paypal account. Not that the legitimacy of Squidoo was ever questioned but having confirmation most always gives a sense of relief.

I've also been very busy researching future topics to include in this home business marketing blog but as well for other blogs that I write and maintain (visible on the left navigation bar). If I disappear for awhile it's only because I'm working on those blogs too. As you may have already figured I'm a big fan of not putting all of my eggs in one basket and multi-tasking!

The world now has two more lenses to view on the www that will not only inform but ideally generate income for me overtime... here's one entitled the Whacky World of Watermelon's. With some research this lens was created in about two days, I just took my time while learning then wham! Create your own Lens and gain free exposure for your business or blog...


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