June 14, 2010

Alter your Blogger Blogspot Blog ie; get a 3 Column Layout!

When I first began to blog with Google's Blogger platform the templates they offered suited my level of understanding just fine but, I also knew at some point I'd want more (such a girl eh!). At the time though, learning to modify a CSS Style Sheet, HTML or even downloading an unzipped file for a free template was beyond my grasp. And now, it's not (big smiles)!! I also couldn't brush it under the rug any longer so long story short...

I spent a full day searching for and trying out numerous tutorials and none of them worked! Until, I found Adding a Third Column to your Blogger Blog created by GardenBloggers.com. It's a simple, easy to follow tutorial with a 'find this piece of code' and 'change it to that piece of code' teaching style I love! You can view the end results of the 3 column blog tutorial on What Wrinkles? or Ontario's Cottage Country blogs anytime you like ;) but they've since been tweaked due to...

...and the even shorter route which enables 3 column, 2 column, 1 column layouts and more, at the click of a button!! I conveniently discovered this method the day after altering code via the above tutorial (go figure!)...

Apparently, Blogger has a 'new' (to me) blogging platform called Blogger in Draft which is a lot more versatile than the original version many use today. Here's the addy for their informative blog (also entitled Blogger in Draft) which will enlighten you further. Or, access the draft mode directly via this web address http://draft.blogger.com/ and you will be taken to the draft platform.

I'd suggest you save a copy of your blog first, directly to your computer, and then go into 'draft' mode.
The looks, layouts, options etc. are quite different (in a good way ;) so if you do end up messing around with some of these new choices you'll at least have the original you started with.

Good luck and please feel free to comment!

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