Even the 'language' Lorem ipsum, that was plastered all over my first Ebay template, had me Sed aliquet malesuada odio, quis placerat magna aliquam in. Proin eu tempor mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Proin ipsum tortor, tristique eu porttitor vulputate, ullamcorper vel dolor. Integer aliquam hendrerit porta...stumped! I actually had to ask the lady what the heck these words meant because on my end the syntax was unrecognizable?! Ha, ha she laughed back so hard at my ignorance but, it does show you (sadly, me at the time ;) how broad the term language really is.
Do you need Code Training & Tutorials for free, like it did (and still do)?! My newest, favourite site is W3Schools. They offer help with most everything so it's bookmarked in my fav's as a 'must have' web reference. I also use this Practise Board for HTML code editing because it enables me to see the end results immediately. Tables for Beginners is for...tables ;) and I've used it for years, a tad cheesy in appearance but, it helped me wrap my head around the 'process'.
So, my adventures behind the scenes on the WWW were at one point OMFG!?!! and now they're just OMG!?! with hope for a bright future.
Good luck to you! and please feel free to comment.
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