This morning for example it was an infomercial for Anthony Morrison the author of The Hidden Millionaire. The spot ran like a professional news interview on the Hansen Report. Anthony answers questions and discusses how his program is going to relieve all of 'your' financial burdens if...?
Does it sound too good to be true?
Have you done your own research?
Have your seen other people's reviews on the product?
Have you checked with the BBB?
Can you find the same information cheaper?
Do you really believe you will learn multi-million dollar secrets for just $19.95?!
What magical information does he have that requires thousands of dollars after the fact (refer to last?)?
...from what I've read you're apparently preened, poked and then prodded with personal questions, high pressure sales tactics and semi-useless information with the end result being, they just simply want more money!!?!
In my slumbered, dreamy haze Anthony Morrison and his little infomercial sounded believable. He markets himself very well ;) and his good boy looks and charm aide in his sales approach. But, his bag of tricks just didn't do it for me.
Anthony Morrison - Scam or Not a Scam?
I couldn't say for sure because I'm not willing to risk it; I've googled him etc. and done my homework and so far the answer is a big fat ...nah!!
The book entitled, The Hidden Millionaire is available via Amazon for $3 bucks'ish' plus shipping. I'd recommend getting that, first. Or, see if you can find a copy at the library. Anthony Morrison has a wealth of knowledge and there is no denying he makes money. His program, the books, cd's, dvd's, seminars, speaking engagements etc. make him his money but will that make us money too? ...nah!!
The last 'seen on TV' product that came into our home...You're Gonna Love my Nuts!
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