May 4, 2010

Marketing and Promotion Techniques for Small Businesses on a Budget

As a small business owner cutting costs whenever and wherever possible is more than financially beneficial, it's often done out of necessity. Yet, the requirements of marketing and promotion don't disappear! You still require a cost effective marketing plan with a small budget or an exceptional no budget plan. So, how does a frugal entrepreneur ensure they are doing the most for their business while  increasing their bottom line?

In order to accomplish successful, self promotion you need to consider numerous tasks that ought to be  utilized to the best of your ability regardless of the nature or type of business you have. Marketing involves a healthy component of skill, talent, familiarity and passion. You will need to work at some techniques while others you will come more easily, naturally.

It's important to entwine all of the following marketing techniques at some point but initially begin with just a few then incorporate others as you learn, grow and gain confidence in your abilities. You'll be surprised at how simple personality traits such as your smile draw in potential customers, you are now your own walking billboard!

Promotion and Marketing Techniques for Small Businesses on a Budget...

- Public Speaking may make your toes curl but don't panic. Begin with baby steps like introducing yourself first, in a two on two conversation, that's a good start ;) Face to face marketing multiplied x 2...offer a firm handshake, a smile and speak. Get into some generic small talk with potential customers and be aware of your behavior, demeanor, personality and don't forget to listen and be confident you are being gauged. When you think you're ready for full on public speaking practise in front of the mirror first. Pace yourself, listen to your tone of voice, breathing patterns and pauses as well, know what you are talking about! Prepare an interesting, informative speech rather than a omg, is this ever going to end speech.

- Network marketing is like public speaking only way better because it has more of a social vibe and it isn't or needn't be so formal, staunchy or uptight. Nowadays, online social media marketing sites like Twitter and Facebook are huge marketing tools that generate traffic while you stay in your pajamas chatting about your greatest new gadget...

- Create brochures and newsletters, not one or the other ;) but both at some point. Newsletters are generally sent via opt-in emails on a monthly basis and contain current and future business operations such as upcoming sales, what's new and what's coming etc. While brochures contain all pertinent business information in a glance for a long term period and they are designed to get someone's attention, be informative and memorable.

- Low cost advertising takes on many forms such as placing an ad in the newspaper or posting signage on bulletin boards or even having you child wear a sandwich board in lieu of chores. I went through a drive thru one time and when it was my turn to order and pay the lady she said it was already paid for by the guy in front of me. Hmmm, nice! I check around and see his vehicle pulling onto the street and across the back is a 1-800 # and the name of his handy man business. I never needed him but certainly would have called him, if I did! Be sure to have a website, blog or some form of social media marketing platform or landing page. In today's day and age there is no excuse not to have one.

- Create a reason to draw attention to yourselves then prepare a press release to make the who's who aware of what you are doing. It could be a fund raiser for charity, the community or even the school. If you know someone famous that helps but if not just do something spectacular that shows your potential customers who you are, what you stand for and what you offer. Motivations shine with this one so be careful not to make it all about you!

- Cold calling potential customers and clients isn't easy but from a girl who's sold carpet cleaning, duct cleaning and raised funds via the phone, it does get easier. Prepare a general script to follow along with some common questions and answers you think they may ask. Have them both beside you along with a notepad. Grab the old phonebook and tear out page one in your contact area and begin making your cold calls. Keep general notes and specific notes if you have an interested client. Just jot down their name, contact info and what they're interested in or why they couldn't commit at this time etc. Familiarity on the second call makes things easier especially if you've confirmed it's okay to call back.

- Volunteer some of your 'extra' time by helping others in the community either at the school, church or selfless project you believe in. If you do this for no other reason than just because it feels good networking will occur naturally, all on it's own.

- Group your talents with other business owners and entrepreneurs to create a project based on your combined efforts. Choose a business/es that compliments what you have to offer for a win win scenario. Skills and talents are meant to be shared and learned; by grouping together you accomplish all sorts of short and long term tasks. It's also a great way to save time, money all while networking. 

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